Service point page
Pohjois-Haaga, The Finnish Adult Education Centre
Municipal service, Education Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Näyttelijäntie 14, 1. ja, 2. floor, Pohjois-Haaga, 00400 Helsinki
+358 9 310 88528 (call)
No email provided
Home page (new tab)
Opistoisäntä, +358 9 310 88528 (call)
Kudonta- ja ompeluluokka, +358 9 310 88527 (call)
The opening hours of Työväenopisto locations are determined according to the courses and events on a daily basis.
Toimipistekohtaiset kurssit (new tab)
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Web sites
Customer services (new tab)
Electronic services
Adult Education Institutes, online enrolment - Ilmonet, course listings and online enrolment (new tab)