Service point page
Service point for enhanced family work for young people and family work to support school attendance
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, bldg 22, 00250 Helsinki
+358 40 669 5257 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
No opening hours provided
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Service point description
The purpose of enhanced family work for young people is to help young people with behavioural symptoms aged 10-17 and their families. The service is intended for customers of child welfare. The need for the service arises from the challenges of the young person in the family. A child welfare social worker applies for the service in a situation where there is a need to secure the growth and development of a child or young person, strengthen family interaction, and support the parent in their role as a parent. Family work to support school attendance is intended for pupils in grades 7-9 with a high level of truancy, a total interruption of schooling or a complete drop-out from primary school, as well as their families. The service is intended for customers of family social work or child welfare. Family work to support school attendance usually lasts for a year. An application for family work to support school attendance is appropriate when the school's other support have been tried and found insufficient. Contact details: Senior instructor, tel. +358 40 576 8721