Service map

Service point page

Helsinki Employment Services, Pasila

Picture of service point: Helsinki Employment Services, Pasila

Pasila office

Municipal service, Central Administration, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Ratapihantie 7, 00520 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 36107 (call)

    Phone number:



  • Home page (new tab)

  • Valid for the time being: - Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00 - Sat-Sun - Closed Phone service: - Mon-Fri 9.00-15.00 - Sat-Sun - Closed Palvelut ajanvarauksella: - Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00 By appointment - Sat-Sun - Closed Pasila advice services are closed; booked appointments will be carried out as normal.: July 1, 2024 - Aug. 4, 2024 - Mon-Sun - Closed

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)


Here you can find information about events provided by the unit

    Electronic services

    • Oma asiointi (TE-palvelut) - Te-palvelut Oma-asiointi (new tab)

    Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.