Service point page
Roihu Group Home
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Roihuvuorentie 3 A, käyntiosoite: Keijukaistenpolku 14 A, 00820 Helsinki
+358 9 310 53004 (call)
No email provided
Home page (new tab)
No opening hours provided
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Service point description
Roihu Group Home is located in the verdant Roihuvuori district by good transport connections. Our group home has 27 roughly 20-m2 apartments. All of our apartments are suitable for wheelchair users. You will receive help and support for all everyday matters at our group home. If needed, we will help you with tasks such as washing and getting dressed, as well as laundry and cleaning. In addition to the group home, the building features two other units of the City of Helsinki: Daycare Porolahti and the Roihuvuori transitional apartments. Members of our staff are present around the clock. Contact information: Unit manager: Anu Halla, +358 9 310 53003 Staff Roihu 4: +358 9 310 53004 Staff Roihu 5: +358 9 310 47240 Staff Roihu 6: +358 9 310 56370 Email: