Service point page
Borgströminmäki transitional apartments
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Koirasaarentie 19, 00590 Helsinki
+358 9 310 22164 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
No opening hours provided
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Service point description
The Borgströminmäki transitional apartments in Laajasalo operate in cooperation with Rudolf Housing Group and the Sompasaari transitional apartments. You can apply for a client relationship through your designated social worker. Our residents sign a lease agreement with Setlementtiasunnot and are subject to normal lessee obligations. The Borgströminmäki transitional apartments are located on a Settlementtiasunnot property. We have twenty 33-41 m2 transitional apartments on five floors, as well as two remote transitional apartments. The Borgströminmäki transitional apartments are a suitable form of housing for you if you are able to take care of everyday activities somewhat independently but need regular everyday help and support from an instructor. We provide guidance during support visits as agreed based on your needs, and we can also be reached by phone. If needed, our instructors can also help you with taking care of service matters outside home, such as health care appointments. At night, we have no on-call services or staff present. Contact information Unit manager: Tomi Jacobsson, +358 9 310 64736 Staff +358 9 310 22164 Email: