Service point page
Koskela Group Home
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Kunnalliskodintie 6 C 68, 00600 Helsinki
+358 9 310 43590 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
No opening hours provided
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Service point description
Koskela Group Home offers guided housing services to eight adults with developmental disabilities. In guided housing, residents receive daily assistance and support, although overnight assistance is not available. Our staff are available Mon-Fri 7.00-21.00 and Sat-Sun 9.30-20.00. Our residents have diverse daily routines, including work, study, and retirement. Additionally, we support four residents living in supported housing nearby, assisting them with medication and financial matters. Our staff includes practical nurses and social services specialists. Our contact information: Staff: +358 9 310 43590 Email