Service point page
Teinilä Children's Home
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Pikalähetintie 15, 00620 Helsinki
+358 9 310 5015 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
No opening hours provided
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Service point description
At Teinilä, we help children and young people live as normally as possible, which includes attending school, maintaining contact with the family and other loved ones, and engaging in hobbies and having fun with friends. We are in regular contact with the children's parents, loved ones and support network, and ensure that children are engaged and included. Our goal is to establish a partnership with the family in terms of child's development and At Teinilä, we help children and young people live as normally as possible, which includes attending school, maintaining contact with the family and other loved ones, engaging in hobbies and having fun with friends. We are in regular contact with the children's parents, loved ones and support network, and we make sure that children are informed, engaged and included in the activities at the home. Our goal is to establish a partnership with the family in terms of the child's development and upbringing. Family members, friends and other people important to the child are welcome to visit Teinilä Children's Home. Teinilä Children's Home operates at two locations in Oulunkylä: Pikalähetintie and Oppipojantie. Teinilä Children's Home Director Jarmo Lonkola tel. +358 9 310 52441, email Office secretary tel. +358 9 310 52440 Psychologists tel. +358 9 310 24139 and +358 9 310 33099