Service map

Service point page

Pikkukoski beach

Picture of service point: Pikkukoski beach

An aerial view of Pikkukoski beach.

Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Pikkukoskentie 23, 00650 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 71520 (call)

    Phone number:

  • No email provided


  • No home page provided

  • Lifeguards supervise the beach during the summer season 3.6. - 11.8.2024: - Mon-Sun 10.00-18.00

    Opening hours:

  • Free sauna shift Period 3.6. - 11.8.2024: - Wed, Sat 12.00-17.00

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

Lifeguard on duty

Services: dressing rooms, toilet facilities, shower, sauna, exercise equipment, outdoor exercise area, beach volleyball court and basketball court. The dressing rooms are open during the lifeguards' working hours, but are closed about half an hour before their working time ends.

Web sites

  • Blue-green algae situation and swimming water temperatures on the map ( (new tab)

  • Swimming water temperature (Beach sensors, in Finnish) (new tab)

  • Swimming water quality (new tab)

  • Sports facilities at the beach (new tab)

  • Instructions for using the beaches (new tab)

Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.