Service map

Service point page

Itäkeskus swimming hall

Picture of service point: Itäkeskus swimming hall

Itäkeskus swimming hall’s pool.

Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Olavinlinnantie 6, 00900 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 87202 (call)

    Phone number:

  • No email provided


  • No home page provided

  • Cashier, +358 9 310 87202 (call)

    Contact person:

  • Supervised sports, +358 9 310 87205 (call)

    Contact person:

  • Mon-Wed, Fri 6.15-20.30 Thu 11.00-20.30 Sat, Sun 8.00-20.30 Closed 20.6.2024-11.8.2024 Exceptional opening hours: The entrance and cash desk close an hour before the training time ends. You will have 15 minutes to wash and 15 minutes to get dressed after the swimming and training time ends.

    Opening hours:

  • The downstairs changing rooms and shower facilities open at 10am every day. The upstairs changing rooms and shower facilities close at 7pm every day. Steam sauna is open daily 6.30-13.00 14.00-20.00

    Opening hours:

  • Note! - The unisex changing room is closed for cleaning from 12.30 to 13.30 on Saturdays and Sundays The small gym downstairs is open daily according to the opening hours of the swimming hall. Upstairs gym reserved: Mon 10-13.30 and 16-18 Tue-Fri 10-12 and 13-13.30

    Opening hours:

  • Huom!

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)

Gym (new tab)

Services Big pool 50 m x 19 m, temperature + 27°C (+ 28°C), suitable for training, pool lift. The big pool is divided in two every day at 20.00. The deeper end of the pool is reserved. Learner's pool 14 m x 11 m, temperature + 30°C, pool intended for supervised group use such as water gymnastics and swimming classes. However outside the reserved times it can be used by other customers i.e. for virtual water gymnastics. Suitable for handicapped persons. Children's pool 12,5 m x 10,5 m, temperature + 29°C . Cold water pool temperature + 17°C. Jacuzzi, temperature + 33°C. The jacuzzi is open 6.30-20.00. The jets are switched on every half hour. Big and small water slide, diving stages 3 metre board and 5 metre platform, 6 saunas, one of them is steam sauna. The steam sauna is open every day 6.15-20.00, however it is closed for cleaning 13.00-14.00. Other info: Time in the hall 2 h. Locker rooms, parking lot, ozone purification, swimming costumes and towels are available to rent for €7, family and disabled section changing area (please ask at the cash desk) (cleaning break Sat-Sun 12.30 - 13.30), massage Jari Rautapalo 0503019400, parking space is located next to the building, pools are purified with ozone.

Web sites

  • Introductory video (new tab)

  • Uimahallin liikuntapaikat (new tab)

  • Special swimming card (new tab)

  • Definitions for the price groups (new tab)

  • Swimwear guide (new tab)

  • Rules and regulations (new tab)

  • Chargeable customer cards contract terms (new tab)

  • Reservation calendar (new tab)

Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.