Service point page
Latokartano sports hall / Gym
Blurred figures exercising in the gym at Latokartano sports hall.
Municipal service, Culture and Leisure Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Agronominkatu 26, 00790 Helsinki
+358 40 336 1403 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
Facility supervisors, +358 9 310 87756 (call)
Sports Supervisors, +358 9 310 87755 (call)
The gym is open: – Mon-Fri 7.00-21.00 – Sat-Sun 8.00-21.00
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Huom: Latokartanon liikuntahallissa on luovuttu käteisen käyttämisestä.
Web sites
Latokartano sports hall (new tab)
Chargeable customer cards contract terms (new tab)
Definitions for the price groups (new tab)
Reservation of sports facilities (new tab)
Regulations and instructions (new tab)