Service point page
Children's specialist appointments treat children's psychiatric and neurological disorders.
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Ratapihantie 11, 2. floor, 00520 Helsinki
+358 40 125 8362 (call)
No email provided
No home page provided
No opening hours provided
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Service point description
We examine, treat and rehabilitate children under the age of 13 affected by mental and developmental disorders. We cooperate with the family centres. We are part of the Children and Young People's Specialist Appointments Network. In addition, we provide consultancy to other professionals of the city working with children. The psychiatric team for children helps children cope with the challenges related to, among other things, anxiety, depression, various fears and obsessive compulsive disorders. We also treat self-regulation difficulties, post-traumatic symptoms, mild to moderate developmental difficulties and specific learning difficulties as well as provide support for the child. We are responsible for providing child psychiatry consultation to the family counselling centres in Helsinki. You need a referral to become our customer.