Service point page
Isonniitynkatu Group Home
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Isonniitynkatu 4, 00610 Helsinki
+358 9 310 74295 (call)
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Service point description
Isonniitynkatu Group Home has four separate homes on two floors. The homes feature 5-6 apartments, each featuring a private room and toilet. Every home also has a shared living room and kitchen/dining area. The group home has places for a total of 22 residents. The group home has pleasant, accessible shared facilities with various activities available, as well as sauna facilities. The yard area is accessible, and the peaceful private courtyard can be accessed easily from indoors. A day activities instructor cooperates with the nurses to plan individualised activities for our residents. Three of the homes are for adults and one is for children. The children's home has two places for residents, and it also provides round-the-clock temporary care for children with severe developmental disabilities living at home. We are capable of providing nearly hospital-level medical care and terminal care. Our contact details: Unit manager: Tanja Lankinen, tel. +358 9 310 74295, Senior nurse: Minna Komppa, tel. +358 9 310 49132 Home A: tel. +358 9 310 49044 (children) Home B: tel. +358 9 310 49045 Home C: tel. +358 9 310 49046 Home D: tel. +358 9 310 49048