Service point page
Assessment of the need for child welfare and special support, Kallio
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Toinen linja 4 C, 00530 Helsinki
+358 9 310 5015 (call)
No email provided
Home page (new tab)
No opening hours provided
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Service point description
At the Kallio service point, we carry out assessments of the need for child welfare and special support, as well as provide guidance and advice to our customers. Our service point is available during business hours (weekdays 8:15-16) for meetings with our experts without an appointment. Otherwise, you can set appointments with the counsellor responsible for your case. You'll get their contact information when you become our customer. If you do not remember the name of your responsible counsellor or do not have their number, you can call us at +358 9 310 5015 (weekdays 8:15-16). The Kallio service point has two working groups, the Kallio working group and the Kallio-Berghäll working group. Which group you belong to when you become our customer is determined by your postal code. However, all our Swedish-speaking customers belong to the Kallio-Berghäll working group. Kallio Working Group Jaana Toivio, Senior Social Worker, tel. +358 9 310 44303 We serve residents of the following residential areas (postal codes): - 00100-00240 - 00510-00530 - 00550-00560 - 00610 Kallio-Berghäll Working Group Senior Social Worker: Johanna Sirén Päivärinta tel. +358 9 310 56302 We serve residents of the following residential areas (postal codes) as well as all Swedish-speaking customers: - 00500 - 000540 - 00570-00590 - 00800-00840 - 00880
Electronic services
Social counseling for families with children - Maisa online service (new tab)
Social counseling for families with children - Use the online service (new tab)