Service point page
Helsinki Vocational College, Muotoilijankatu unit
Municipal service, Education Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Muotoilijankatu 3, 00560 Helsinki
No phone number provided
No email provided
Home page (new tab)
Koulujen ja oppilaitosten tilojen ilta- ja vapaa-ajankäytön neuvonta ja varaukset: liikuntasalit 09 310 87800, muut tilat 09 310 12001
No opening hours provided
Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)
Service point description
You can study towards the following qualifications with us: - further vocational qualification in stage and theatre technology, competence area of stage and event technology - further vocational qualification in media, competence areas of audiovisual communication and photography - initial degree in media, implementer of media services or game production