Service point page
Tilkka Group Home
Municipal service, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division, City of Helsinki. Source:
Contact information
Tilkankatu 1 A, 00300 Helsinki
+358 9 310 41743 (call)
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Service point description
Tilkka Group Home is located in Pikku-Huopalahti, within walking distance from tram and bus stops. There are good traffic connections to the city centre and other services. We provide instructed and supported housing services for adults with developmental disabilities. Our group home has 37 long-term residents in three housing groups. In addition to supported housing, one of the groups also has five temporary care places, the clientele of which varies somewhat. Our staff are present around the clock. Tilkka Group Home is suitable for you if you are able to manage everyday activities relatively independently but need regular everyday help, support and guidance. Our staff will take care of your basic and specialist health care appointments. Contact information: Unit manager: Tuija Purhonen, +358 931021039 Valkama housing group: +358 9 310 41743 Pisara housing group: +358 9 310 74014 Vellamo housing group: +358 9 310 42730