Service map

Service point page

Playground Lehdokki

Picture of service point: Playground Lehdokki

Municipal service, Education Division, City of Helsinki. Source:

Contact information

  • Kasöörinkatu 3, 00520 Helsinki


  • +358 9 310 42578 (call)

    Phone number:



  • Home page (new tab)

  • Summertime: July 1, 2024 - Aug. 7, 2024 - Mon-Fri 9.00-16.00 - Sat-Sun - Closed

    Opening hours:

  • Look at the route to this place (New tab. The HSL Journey Planner is not an accessible service)


Here you can find information about events provided by the unit

    Perusopetuksen iltapäivätoiminnan asiakasmaksu on 100 €/kk, kun toiminta päättyy klo 16.00 ja 120 €/kk, kun toiminta päättyy klo 17.00.

    Lunch is served during weekdays on 1.7.-2.8.2024 for all children under 16 years of age

    Closed 3.6.-30.6.2024

    Web sites

    • Hakeminen koululaisten iltapäivätoimintaan. (new tab)

    • Kesäruokailun ruokalista (new tab)

    Map. Currently map information is only accessible visually.